Fiber Balance Plus – My Spectrum Heroes

Fiber Balance Plus




  • Supports Bowel Regularity
  • Helps With Occasional Constipation
  • Supports Blood Sugar Balance
  • Promotes Healthy Cholesterol Levels

Fiber Balance Plus is a natural fiber supplement with a balanced ratio of soluble and insoluble fiber to help with occasional constipation and maintain long-term bowel regularity. The main ingredient in Fiber Balance Plus, psyllium seed husks, is one of the most widely used fibers in natural bulk laxatives. Both the psyllium seeds and husks used in Fiber Balance Plus are 100% organic and free of the contaminants often found in other sources of psyllium. In addition to psyllium, Fiber Balance Plus includes rice bran for its glycemic balancing effects and pectin, a soluble fiber found in apples. Fig fruit and prune are also included because they contain natural compounds which act as mild colonic stimulants to relieve symptoms of occasional constipation.


Occasional constipation affects 15-20% of the US population. It can be caused by stress, dehydration, or diet and lifestyle choices. Furthermore, children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are more likely to experience constipation than children without ADHD. 1 Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are also at risk for constipation and other forms of gastric distress. 2 The prevalence of refined sugars and carbohydrates in the modern diet, combined with the low presence of fiber, is linked to slowed bowel transit time and an altered colonic environment. In fact, According to one study, ADHD was also linked to a “Western” diet (i.e. diet high in fats and processed sugars) in adolescents. 3 In addition, children with psychosocial, behavioral, or sensory disorders often have restricted eating habits that cause them to only eat specific foods, including high FODMAP foods that may causedigestiveproblems.4,5 Dietary fiber, the indigestible part of plant foods, enables smooth bowel movements, prevents occasional constipation, and promotes healthy gastrointestinal (GI) microflora balance. Other effects of fiber depend on the type (soluble or insoluble). Supplementing the diet with fiber is especially important for children with psychosocial, behavioral, or sensory disorders due to the link between the intestinal tract and mental function. More specifically, there are nerves in the gut that play a role in focus, emotion regulation, and learning because the nerves that line the intestines transfer signals to the brain.

Soluble Fiber

Soluble fiber (viscous fiber) partially dissolves in water and forms a gel in the gastrointestinal tract that slows the absorption of glucose, helping to maintain healthy blood sugar balance. It has also been shown to bind cholesterol in the GI tract, which helps support healthy cholesterol levels. Foods rich in soluble fiber include beans and other legumes (peas and lentils), oats, barley, citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit), psyllium husk and flax seed.

Insoluble Fiber

Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water. Substances found in insoluble fiber include cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. These cell walls of plants are not digested and help maintain bowel health and regularity. Foods rich in insoluble fiber include whole grains and most dark green leafy vegetables, like cabbage and cauliflower. Both types of fiber are necessary to maintain regularity and healthy bowel function. With the balanced ratio of soluble to insoluble fiber, Fiber Balance Plus is an ideal way to achieve greater fiber intake with a balanced profile that represents a healthy diet. For children with psychosocial, behavioral, or sensory disorders, adding fiber to the diet can help target gastrointestinal issues, promote optimal nutrient absorption, improve communication between the gut and brain, and subsequently enhance daily living, social, and communication skills.

Fiber Depletion

The daily recommended intake (DRI) for dietary fiber varies with gender and age, but the USDA recommends 38 g per day for males ages 14-50 and 25 g per day for females ages 19-50. Children (ages 4-8) are generally recommended to consume 25 g per day. While boys 9-13 should consume 31 g per day, girls 9-18 are recommended to take 26 g per day. Other health institutions recommend up to 50 g per day during adulthood. The lack of adequate dietary fiber intake may lead to digestive challenges and skin concerns such as blotches and blemishes. Chronic digestive issues are associated with certain psychiatric traits (e.g., anxiety, hyperactivity, behavioral, or psychosocial impairments) in some individuals, especially children with such disorders. 4, 5 Fiber Balance Plus is a natural fiber supplement with a balanced ratio of soluble and insoluble fiber to help with occasional constipation and maintain long-term bowel regularity. The main ingredient in Fiber Balance Plus, psyllium seed husks, is one of the most widely used bersinnatural bulk laxatives.Both the psyllium seeds and husks used in Fiber Balance Plus are 100% organic and free of the contaminants often found in other sources of psyllium. In addition to psyllium, Fiber Balance Plus includes rice bran for its glycemic balancing effects and pectin, a soluble ber found in apples. Fig fruit and prune are also included because they contain natural compounds which act as mild colonic stimulants to relieve symptoms of occasional constipation. The blend of ingredients in Fiber Balance Plus improves digestive function, which can enhance mental performance and lead to heightened concentration, social skills, and communication as well as less repetitive behaviors in children with sensory, behavioral, and psychosocial impairments. 6

Psyllium Husks and Seeds

Several clinical trials have shown psyllium to be superior to other laxatives. 7 A systematic review found psyllium husk to improve overall bowel regularity more effectively than Lactulose. 8, 9 Psyllium has been found to be effective at increasing stool output and was found to improve the symptoms of occasional constipation increasing abdominal comfort and a sense of evacuation completeness, while reducing defecation effort. Furthermore, Aa randomized controlled trial found psyllium to have a significant effect among those with bowel irregularity and discomfort. After three months, symptom severity in the psyllium group was reduced by 90 points, compared with 49 in the placebo group. 10 The laxative effect and gut- stimulatory effect of psyllium has been purported to be facilitated partially by muscarinic and 5- HT(4) receptor activation, which complements the laxative effect of psyllium’s fiber content.4 In addition, studies have also found that a 15 g dose of psyllium given three times per day before meals promotes healthy blood sugar and blood lipid levels. 11, 12 In addition, Psyllium Husk is a powerful fiber that promotes digestive health by soothing intestinal inflammation and enhancing the colon’s ability to eliminate waste. 13 This also helps soothe intestinal nerves, which improves the transfer of signals between the gut and the brain. This process is important for children with sensory, behavioral, and psychosocial disorders because improved digestive function is linked to fewer psychiatric symptoms. 4, 5

Rice Bran

In one animal study, giving 10 g per day of rice bran, including water soluble rice bran and rice bran fiber concentrates, resulted in significantly enhanced blood sugar balance and fasting blood sugar and lipid levels were maintained in the normal range.14 The extracts of rice bran have also been found to support cardiovascular health, a balanced inflammatory response and a healthy colonic environment.15, 16 Children who have ADHD, autism, or other developmental disorders usually have a higher risk of experiencing problems with blood sugar regulation, 17 but rice bran supports healthy blood sugar levels and makes this ingredient especially beneficial for children who have special needs.

Apple Pectin

A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials showed consumption of several grams a day of pectin promotes healthy blood fats and maintains cholesterol levels already within a normal range.18 Liver fat concentrations have been found to be lower in rats fed diets containing apple pectin. Fecal bile acid excretion was also found to be reduced, and sterol excretion significantly increased with the addition of pectin. Rats fed pectin-rich diets also had lower levels of certain blood fats than controls.19 Apple pectin is also a prebiotic that enhances gut health by nourishing beneficial bacteria (probiotics) in the gut.20 Accordingly, heighted probiotic activity due to prebiotic supplementation improves the quality of life for children with psychosocial disorders (e.g., ADHD, autism) and certain probiotics may also reduce the risk of developing these types of psychosocial and neurodevelopmental disorders. 21

Fig (Ficus carica)

The phytochemical properties of Fig’s laxative effect are due to the bulk of seeds and fibers.22 In a double-blind, randomized controlled study of 20 patients with occasional functional bowel irregularity, supplementation with fig fruit increased frequency, reduced defecation time, improved abdominal comfort and heightened a sense of complete evacuation. Fig fruit supplementation also improved the symptoms of occasional irregularity, 23 and the fruit has also been shown to maintain bulk in those with loose stools.24

Prune (Prunus domestica)

Prunes or dried prunes contain 6.1 g of dietary fiber per 100 g, as well as large amounts of phenolic compounds which may aid in their efficacy for occasional constipation and glycemic support. The phenolic compounds in prunes have been found to inhibit oxidation of certain blood fat components in vitro, and thus may protect against oxidative damage. In addition, prunes have a high concentration of potassium and have been shown to support blood pressure and cardiovascular health. 25 Another study found that 50 g of prunes, two times a day were found to be effective in helping with occasional constipation in 40 subjects enrolled in an eight-week study. 26 Both figs and prunes are excellent sources of magnesium, which is a mineral that plays a role in numerous enzymatic reactions and other bodily processes including immune system function, growth, neurotransmitter activity, and nerve function. The proper regulation of these types of processes is vital for child and adolescent development, particularly those who have neurodevelopmental disorders.

Does Not Contain

Gluten, yeast, artificial colors and flavors.


If you are pregnant or nursing, consult your physician before taking this product. Without drinking enough liquid this product may swell in the throat, causing blockage or choking. Do not use this product if you have ever had esophageal narrowing or swallowing difficulties. Seek immediate medical help if symptoms of esophageal blockage (chest pain/pressure, regurgitation or difficulty swallowing) occur. May cause allergic reaction in persons sensitive to inhaled or ingested Psyllium.


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